Hi, all! I've decided to run Sarge on my laptop, and I've encountered a
couple issues. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on them for me.

1. I'm using xautolock and xlockmore. When xlockmore kicks in, either because
of a "hot corner" being inhabited or an idle time-out, the selected screen
saver (stars) will kick in, but cursor will remain visible. Bringing up the
password screen and then having it go away again results in the cursor being
hidden. I've used this combination of software under many (many!) NetBSD
systems, and I've never seen the cursor remain visible before. Clues would
be welcome.

2. XTerm is giving me trouble. First, it seems to ignore what I
set in .Xdefaults-(hostname). I know that my .Xdefaults is being read,
because some other software is obeying what I specify in there, but XTerm
is being recalcitrant. "XTerm*backarrowKey: true" is not being honored,
which is a bit of a pain.

3. TWM seems to ignore my TitleFont declaration in .twmrc.

4. I built a new kernel - my first home-built Linux kernel ever - and it
seems to work, except for one thing that I have yet to figure out. To wit,
my eth0 is not automatically configured, despite being told to use DHCP in
/etc/network/interfaces. It can be manually configured and used without
problems, but it should ideally be configuring itself automatically as it
does under the default kernel. Any idea what I've done wrong here?

5. With a default Debian 2.4.26-1-i386 kernel, I get an error message about
some module or other having a problem. It occurs just after the hot plug
stuff runs. I see nothing about it in dmesg, and I don't have a serial
console setup available for this box. Is there any way I can capture a
complete record of messages between kernel-load and gettys running?

Thanks kindly in advance for your assistance!

Mason Loring Bliss   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ewige Blumenkraft!
https://bliss.dyndns.org/  awake ? sleep : random() & 2 ? dream : sleep;

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