> Wondering about my last sentence: when I use KDE with an english GUI, it
> expects the hotkeys in english and I cant switch the hotkeys without
> changing the language. Right? So working with a complete russian
> environment should work... (?)
> Should be the same problem for all i18n programs

Depends on what you mean by "hotkeys."  Some of them are hard coded at compile 
time (KShortcut...  looks like these map out directly to key codes), while 
the quick keys for accessing menu options and dialog buttons and whatnot are 
taken care of by the translators, depending on where they stick the & in 
the translated strings in the .rc files.  i18n takes care of the latter, but 
I'm not sure what goes on with keycode mapping on foreign keyboards.  
Especially non-Latin ones.

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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  • ... Сергей Сафонов
    • ... Alex Malinovich
    • ... "J. Preiß"
      • ... J. Preiss
        • ... Silvan
          • ... James Sinnamon

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