Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> John L Fjellstad wrote:
> | Sam Halliday writes:
> | 
> | > however that only solves half the problem... how can i make this
> | > /dev/usbmouse link (or whatever i call it) point to /dev/input/mouse1
> | > (the touchpad) when the usb mouse is not plugged in?
> | 
> | You don't.   In X, what you do is make one your primary mouse device,
> | and the other just sends mouse events to the primary mouse device.  So,
> | at my place, the touchpad is the primary mouse device, and the usbmouse,
> | when plugged in, sends mouse events through the primary mouse device.
> Alternatively use /dev/input/mice and your application will receive
> input from all attached mice.  Simple.  :-)  (with kernel 2.6 that
> includes USB -and- PS/2 mice)

thats not the point... i want to DISABLE the touchpad when the usb mouse is
plugged in. and do it dynamically. this takes input from both all the time.

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