I agree. If you look hard enough you can usually find Tux stickers on
eBay, so maybe I'll focus more on the metallic "Powered by..."

I've got a few graphic designer friends I could probably convince into
designing something for me.

Can we get votes on what the "Powerd by..." line should be? 

Chris M.

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:01:06 -0500, Alex Malinovich
> On Thu, 2004-06-24 at 12:32, Chris Metcalf wrote:
> > For years I've been searching for a good source of good Linux stickers
> > for my machines. Sure, we've got Thinkgeek or HackerStickers.com
> > (http://www.hackerstickers.com/products/sticker-debian-linux.shtml),
> > but other than that, the best I've been able to find is Tux case
> > badges.
> >
> > Does anybody know of a good source of linux/geeky stickers? In
> > particular, I'm looking for a nice tasteful sticker of Tux on a clear
> > background around 3" in size, or maybe a nice small "Powered by Linux"
> > or Debian logo suitable to stick on my laptops in the space where the
> > "Designed for Windows" sticker used to be.
> >
> > The other option is to look into getting them made. I've been thinking
> > about doing this for awhile. Larry Ewing's Tux graphic is public
> > domain, right? So I wouldn't have to worry about licensing issues. If
> > I could get enough people to commit, I could look into getting some
> > made. Pricing would probably be around $2 US per sticker for a lot of
> > 100-200 stickers, so I'd probably price them at $3 + shipping to
> > wherever you're from, and donate all the profits to Software in the
> > Public Interest. Any extras I'll probably try and sell on eBay or sell
> > in bulk off to LUGs.
> >
> > Let me know if you're interested...
> I'd definitely be interested. If/when they're available put up a post
> with some info and I'll be all over it. :)
> What I would REALLY like to see though, is an actual replacement for the
> "powered by Windows *" stickers. Something that's got the same metallic
> feel, with either Tux or a gnu on the sticker saying "powered by linux"
> or better yet "powered by Free Software". If you can get THOSE made I'll
> buy a dozen and I might be able to convince my employers to buy a few
> hundred. :)
> --
> Alex Malinovich
> Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY!
> Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the
> pgp.net keyservers. Key ID: A6D24837
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Chris Metcalf

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