For years I've been searching for a good source of good Linux stickers
for my machines. Sure, we've got Thinkgeek or
but other than that, the best I've been able to find is Tux case

Does anybody know of a good source of linux/geeky stickers? In
particular, I'm looking for a nice tasteful sticker of Tux on a clear
background around 3" in size, or maybe a nice small "Powered by Linux"
or Debian logo suitable to stick on my laptops in the space where the
"Designed for Windows" sticker used to be.

The other option is to look into getting them made. I've been thinking
about doing this for awhile. Larry Ewing's Tux graphic is public
domain, right? So I wouldn't have to worry about licensing issues. If
I could get enough people to commit, I could look into getting some
made. Pricing would probably be around $2 US per sticker for a lot of
100-200 stickers, so I'd probably price them at $3 + shipping to
wherever you're from, and donate all the profits to Software in the
Public Interest. Any extras I'll probably try and sell on eBay or sell
in bulk off to LUGs.

Let me know if you're interested...

Chris Metcalf

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