I would suggest that you use a more informative subject line for
future postings as people are liable to skip over generic ones like 'A
bunch of questions' and focus their time on ones that they have a
better idea they could answer.

----- Original Message -----
From: deb_milist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:10:29 +0700
Subject: A bunch of questions

> 1.   Someone told me about fetchmail and really wanna
> dig about it. but googling around      <>
> didn't give me a good enough resource ( or i'm too lazy..). so if
> you got some nice pdf one or     a link to go , it would be very nice...

The fetchmail homepage is at  http://catb.org/~esr/fetchmail/. The
manpage is very in-depth and explains everything; why not install
fetchmail and man fetchmail?

> 3.  and how about the colorful console that has been made me jelous to
> those knoppix users ?

Look at the file ~/.bashrc . Some lines in there needed to be enabled.

Jon Dowland

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