hi guys...yesterday i was moaning about how to retrieve my yahoo! mail through thunderbird.
messing around with fecthmail is really not good idea for me since i don't have a clue in
'how to' thing. ( even i've been using debian and linux in general for almost 4 monts---it seems
that i'm still drowning in the dark world of stupidity ;-) ).
so, i decided to make a new account from a regional yahoo! ... and THANK GOD...there's still
fowarding feature left.
Now, i can enjoy this new account to write a bunch of silly questions to you, guys... :-D
Talking about questions....now i've got some :

1.   Someone told me about fetchmail and really wanna dig about it. but googling around  
    didn't give me a good enough resource ( or i'm too lazy..). so if you got some nice pdf one or     a link to go , it would be very nice...
2.  Is there one of you guys have been experienced in making SUS ( Software Update System ?? )         server for winblowz clients ? this debian server will provide every updates of windblowz         updates and can be access via browser by the clients just like the original one. ( i'm i         asking too much here ?)
3.  and how about the colorful console that has been made me jelous to those knoppix users ?

i guess that's all for now, hope i'm not boring you ;-) .....

thanks a lot,

deb_milist (was debian_me)

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