On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 11:59, Jon Dowland wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 15:32:54 -0400, stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I was given a USB memory stick, as a promotional giveawau by a vrndor,
> > Friday.
> > 
> > How can I use this with my Debian laptop?
> You need to use something called hotplug and ensure that you have
> various SCSI modules built for your kernel - sd_mod.o is necessary.
> some very out-of-date details at http://jon.dowland.name/unix/twinmos/

I'm pretty sure this is not necessary, at least for basic functionality,
with recent systems. Maybe someone read Jon's notes and built it in ;-).

I'm using a 256MByte USB memory stick fine, with a debian testing system
running kernel-2.4, and also with a debian testing system running
kernel-2.6. Yes, the USB drive appears as a SCSI device, but that all
seems to work out-of-the-box for me.

Now I *would* like to see an icon pop up on the desktop when the USB
device gets inserted. Maybe the hotplug stuff is related to that? I can
live without it, though...



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