On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 01:01:01PM -0400, Curt Howland wrote:
> Michael Satterwhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A few weeks ago (I don't know about now), the KDE distribution in 
> unstable 
> > simply would not run ...
> I was effected by this as well, yet not effected at all. This is where 
> doing things by hand comes in very handy.
> When I ran dselect, it reported a huge number of KDE packages which 
> were effected by broken dependency. At that point, I ctrl-C out of 
> dselect, which leaves my system just as it was before. I checked the 
> bug tracking and user mailing lists, noticed other people having the 
> same problem, and relaxed. It wasn't an isolated problem.
> Every couple of days I would run dselect, update the list of packages, 
> and if the same dependency problem happened I would simply break out 
> and try later. One day, someone reported that the problem had been 
> corrected, and sure enough dselect did not give me the list of 
> dependency problems.
> The only people who's systems were twisted by this error were ones who 
> do updates automatically. Automatic can work on Stable, where bug 
> fixes are the rule. I would no more run automatic updates on Unstable 
> or Testing than I would set the cruise control and go to sleep in my 
> car at 75mph on a twisty road.
> > How does one recover from something like this short of doing a 
> reload?
> That shouldn't be a question by someone running Unstable. Unstable is 
> exactly that, and should be considered to be an interactive learning 
> experience.
> One of the reasons that I like dselect, other than that's what I used 
> first, is it is a command line application. No matter how crippled 
> the system gets, if it will boot it will run dselect.

also apt and aptitude ;-)

> Curt-
> -- 
> September 11th, 2001
> The proudest day for gun control and central 
> planning advocates in American history
> -- 
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