On Friday 18 June 2004 01:34 pm, Paul Scott wrote:
>   ok, I had this:
>     $ xmodmap | grep mod1
>     mod1        Alt_L (0x7d),  Meta_L (0x7e)
>   I don't remember having Meta_L there any time, i.e. before dfsg.1-5.
>   So after doing:
>     $ xmodmap -e 'clear mod1 -e 'add mod1 = Alt_L'
>   everything seems to do fine again.
>   Note that xmodmap -e 'remove mod1 = Meta_L' didn't work for me.
>   See also #254923.
> Paul Scott

That seemed to fix the problem for me, except you missed a quote.

The following is correct (unless I typoed ;P )

$ xmodmap -e 'clear mod1' -e 'add mod1 = Alt_L'

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