
On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 08:58:42PM +0200, Shot wrote:
> Hello.
> Michael Flaig:
> > i've upgraded my debian sid box (at work) today
> > and have a strange behavior of the alt key now.
> Bug #254973: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=254973

well, i researched on bugs.debian.org but didnīt find anything...
> Revert to xlibs 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4.
> > have already downgraded Xfree to the previous
> > version. problem still not fixed :-( 
> Ow. Are you sure you reverted the whole XFree? (For me, reverting just
> xlibs and keeping the rest at -5 works on two machines like a charm.)

if the xlib package doesnīt contain the string dfsg in itīs version, i
probably missed it. will check this on monday and set xlibs to keep
until bug is fixed.

thanks a lot,


Michael Flaig (PROLinux) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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