On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 05:30:19PM +0200, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von
Bidder wrote:

> For a minimal false positive rate I would recommend using greylisting 
> first. This will delay some emails (first occurence of every 
> IP/sender/recipient tripel) by 10min - 1h (depending on the sender mail 
> server), but will instantly block quite a lot of spam and 
> viruses/trojans. (Debian: greylistd. Also, postgrey for postfix. Don't 
> use the greylist example script that comes with postfix 2.1, see the 
> postgrey web site for why).

Great idea.  Unfortunately the mail server I run is, as one might suspect,
on Stable, which has no postgrey package. 

Why, yes, I could compile it myself, but why run Stable and then make it
less stable?
Carl Fink             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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