Hello, #------------------------ SOME BACKGROUND:
Due to excess of email delivery requests our email server was getting jammed; the sysadmin of this one network (not the one my email address belongs to), IMNSHO irresponsibly and incompetently, downloaded and started using a Block List from www.spamlist.org, that not only blocks huge IP blocks /permanently/ but also whole countries (some 25 by default). This for a whole faculty inside an international university where about half of the research staff is foreign. BTW, not only he did that, he also did not mention it to nobody... The whole thing backslashed (Surprise!!) and now we don't have any list in place. Despite not being my responsibility this does affect my email and since I'm in position to make recomendations, I'm researching the topic. #------------------------ THE QUESTION: We need to use some form of Block List at the connection level, I've used (through notespam) for my own private email, the following lists: Visi (relays.visi.com); ORDB (relays.ordb.org); SpamCop (bl.spamcop.net); dorkslayers (orbs.dorkslayers.com). After dorkslayers started giving false positive to every single query I made to it, I droped it and never used it again. SpamCop works fine for my own email, where most people are whitelisted, but is said [1] not to be suitable for a production environment and what we have here is precisely that... [1]:http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml Since I've only used this sort of thing at "personal email level" I'm wondering if anyone here could provide me with information over which would be a responsible and unbiased [*] Block List for an *international* production environment. [*]: Several "Block Lists" seem to be highly biased, if not prejudiced, in the sense that they will easily block huge chunks of IP space from some countries but will hardly do so for ISPs within other countries. Thank you for your attention, -- Francisco Borges Alfa Informatica - RuG -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]