Am Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2004 15:37 schrieb Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti 
> Em Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:10:07 +0200, J. Preiss escreveu:
> > I still have problems with it, at least on one pc. I used
> > dpkg-reconfigure console-common
>       ÂDid you do aptitude install locales localeconf?

locales was installed, localconf not. After installing, it wanted to overwrite 
the existing files, and I said no (praying this to be a good answer, see 

>       ÂOr dpkg-reconfigure them, if already there?
I do have to reconfigure locales every time I boot, because else I have qwerty 
keyboard layout instead of german (or was it console-common?). Mmmh, but if 
it is the one where I have to chose the files to be generated (deDE-files): 
yes, I did. Often :-D

> > installed cyrillic fonts, checked with xfontsel for there
> > presence (even in kde center).
>       Unless you disable the XKB extension in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config(-4) the console configurations wonât affect X.

This would be a nice answer, if I only would know if I *want* it to be 
affected... Do I? I do not need cyrillic stuff on console, it only would be 
nice to see cyrillic file names. I guess this only has something to do with 
the console fonst, and they are installed. So lets stay with X...

> > So the current locales are [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > and (as examples) in kate and kdevelop UTF-8 is set as default. I'd
> > expect that this would be the right way to display all I need (umlauts
> > and cyrllic). But it doesnt work.
>       What are your XKB configs?  Either check the above mentioned
> config file, or do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86.
I am a little bit too angry to reconfigure x itself. I'm proud that I see 

I tried my best, but I did not find any hint to xkb. In XFcfg, I would expect 
a load of the module, but there isnt. 
But I have kde keyboard switcher activated, with:

setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout de -variant nodeadkeys


setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout ru -variant basic

With this, alt-gr does not work :-) But pc105 is the correct keyboard, and: 
the Win(tm)-key works and starts the K-Menu. I dont understand anything about 
whats going on here...

>       Another tip would be to try xkeycaps.

Just installed it. If it shows me US-101, if that is my default than this 
would be wrong. 
What will be broken if I let it create a xmodmap?

> > On the other side, I installed a second pc fresh from the start, did
> > mostly the same things - and everything is ok. I take a look at locales,
> > and see, here it is "POSIX". I dont know where this comes from...
>       Typically locales are set in /etc/environment.  But your
> problem seem to be more of keymaps than of locales.
> > Anyway, I tried to set this on my first pc, but there was no entry for
> > posix within the locales. Any hints?
>       POSIX is just the default.

How can I get back to it????? With the default, I see umlauts on my second pc 
and I even can enter them! But maybe its more broken than LC_*.

> > Is there a howto about locales and languages and fonts and all stuff I
> > need somewhere?
>       Not that I know.  It is one of the weak points of GNU/Linux,
> together with desktop printer setup and sound I guess.

Sound is not so bad, until now (knocking on wood) I had no unresolvable 
problems. But, ok, my printer did not print out at least one page on linux 
(no matter what version). Even if I selected the correct driver (Lexmark 
1000), no test page was printed. Well.... 

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