Em Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:10:07 +0200, J. Preiss escreveu:

> I still have problems with it, at least on one pc. I used dpkg-reconfigure 
> console-common

        ÂDid you do aptitude install locales localeconf?

        ÂOr dpkg-reconfigure them, if already there?

> installed cyrillic fonts, checked with xfontsel for there 
> presence (even in kde center).

        Unless you disable the XKB extension in
/etc/X11/XF86Config(-4) the console configurations wonât affect X.

> So the current locales are [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
> and (as examples) in kate and kdevelop UTF-8 is set as default. I'd expect 
> that this would be the right way to display all I need (umlauts and cyrllic). 
> But it doesnt work.

        What are your XKB configs?  Either check the above mentioned
config file, or do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86.

        Another tip would be to try xkeycaps.

> On the other side, I installed a second pc fresh from the start, did mostly 
> the same things - and everything is ok. I take a look at locales, and see, 
> here it is "POSIX". I dont know where this comes from...

        Typically locales are set in /etc/environment.  But your
problem seem to be more of keymaps than of locales.

> Anyway, I tried to set this on my first pc, but there was no entry for posix 
> within the locales. Any hints? 

        POSIX is just the default.

> Is there a howto about locales and languages and fonts and all stuff I need 
> somewhere?

        Not that I know.  It is one of the weak points of GNU/Linux,
together with desktop printer setup and sound I guess.

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