Tom Kuiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 19:19:06 -0400
>> From: Chris Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: what happened to KDE?
> ...
>> OK.  A quick comment:  I would strongly recommend taking the time
>> to read . . .in
>> particular, the part about "Before You Ask".  Searching the web,
>> searching the archives for this mailing list, and scanning the
>> documentation of the software for changes are all good things to
>> try to solve your problem.
> I spent about two hours searching the Debian website for anything relevant.
> Nothing. But then, I was probably searching with the wrong keywords.

I'll give you a tip right now:  Use google to do that instead.  You
could have saved a lot of trouble by making your last keyword on a
google search .  This would have limited google to
just machines that have a FQDN ending in instead of the
whole intarweb.

A functional, working understanding of your favorite search engine
goes a long way in this day and age, whether you're looking for
today's news or help with KDE.  Google makes it easy: If you use their
advanced search options, you can see what special keywords you can use
to avoid wasting time clicking around the advanced search form in the

Paul Johnson
Linux.  You can find a worse OS, but it costs more.

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