> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 19:19:06 -0400
> From: Chris Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: what happened to KDE?
> OK.  A quick comment:  I would strongly recommend taking the time
> to read http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html . . .in
> particular, the part about "Before You Ask".  Searching the web,
> searching the archives for this mailing list, and scanning the
> documentation of the software for changes are all good things to
> try to solve your problem.

I spent about two hours searching the Debian website for anything relevant.
Nothing. But then, I was probably searching with the wrong keywords.
> I mention this because this first issue ("disappearing gdm sessions
> after upgrade") has been discussed in this mailing list about 10
> jillion times in the last few months.  A careful search of the
> mailing list archives should answer this question for everyone.
> There's also an explanation for what happened in the docs for gdm,
> located at /usr/share/doc/gdm on your machine.

This would be surprising.  The files is dated May 16.  I did problem-free
updates on May 19 and May 21.
> You further say:
> > Creating a menu
> > entry requires an appropriate entry in /etc/gdm/Sessions for kde, but
> > there isn't one anymore.
> Right.  That's what changed.  From the changelog for gdm, located
> on your machine in /usr/share/doc/gdm/changelog.Debian.gz, we see . . .
> } gdm ( unstable; urgency=low
>               [ various changes snipped ] 
> }  * gdm no longer reads the Sessions directory to populate the menu
> }    (closes: #218786)
>               [ more snippage ]
> }  * With the new Xsession.in that uses the Xsession.d dir to start up,
> }    and the /etc/dm/Sessions dir supported by kdm and gdm for programs
> }    to indicate they should be on the session list, all that's needed
> }    is those programs to supply desktop files for /etc/dm/Sessions
> }    (closes: #84396)
> Sessions aren't kept in /etc/gdm/Sessions anymore.  Instead, they're
> in /etc/dm/Sessions.  Putting a KDE session file there should do the
> trick.

Thanks.  I went through that some months ago, did not enter it into my
log, and forgot it.  Having said that, /etc/dm/Sessions contains:
Fvwm.desktop dated May 7 and default.desktop dated March 29.

You are right about the cups library issue you discuss below.  I didn't
There were changes made to cups, packages removed, packages upgraded,
and packages installed.  I can get the details from the log. However,
it seems that patience is going to provide the remedy.

I wish the developer speedy recovery.

> The second issue -- the fact that many of your KDE packages were
> de-installed . . .this one I'm not sure about, but were any of the
> packages you upgraded CUPS libraries?  As was discussed here earlier
> today, unstable is currently missing the package libcupsys2.  I
> think the package libcupsys2-gnutls is meant to replace it, and the
> two packages conflict with each other.  If you upgraded "cupsys",
> that would have replaced libcupsys2 with libcupsys-gnutls.  However,
> the package kdelibs4 currently in unstable was built against
> libcupsys2, and needs to be rebuilt against libcupsys-gnutls.
> Since it requires libcupsys2, an upgrade of CUPS causes kdelibs4
> to be removed; it can't be re-installed, because it requires
> libcupsys2, which is no longer present in unstable.  As discussed
> in that earlier thread today ("Whom to ask about package system
> errors?"), the KDE maintainer who needs to deal with this is aware
> of the problem, but is very sick, and will do an upload when he
> is able.
> I don't know if that's what your problem is, but you might wanna
> check into it.  If it isn't, it might be worth going back and seeing
> what packages you *did* install/upgrade, and using apt-cache or
> aptitude or p.d.o or whatever to find out why the KDE packages were
> driven out.  That will help to fix things.
At this point, I'm going to wait a few days and try again.

Thanks for your help.


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