APT, I do not know how in the hell you installed this Filesystem into
my computer? I never ordered it or wanted it in my system but it's
there and it's causing me a great deal of problems? Please send me a
link allowing APT to be removed from my computer, I do not want to
have to get in touch with the company that deals with companies that
hack into other company by placing files into others company. While
you are doing this could you find out what the hell is a Captexe,
until this evening this also was never in my computer which is also cause me a great deal of problems, I have checked throughout the
internet looking for it's home until I ran into you. Correct these
problems by May 18, 2004 for I will have to report you as a hacker.
Welcome to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] [1] mailing list. This is a public, non-moderated list for the discussion of use and support of the Debian operating system [2].
"apt" is a package within the Debian operating system. It contains tools which facilitate the installation, removal, and manipulation of other software applications within a Debian system.
To remove apt [3] from your Debian system, from a root prompt execute: # apt-get --purge remove apt
You will see a warning message indicating that the operation you are about to perform is dangerous and could leave your Debian system inoperable. You should not proceed unless you are certain you understand what you are doing.
To remove an extraneous Filesystems from your computer I recommend you install the parted [4] package. For a thorough discussion of the use and limitations of parted, see also the parted-doc [5] package.
As an interim solution you may wish to consult the manual for the "dd" command. To destroy an extraneous Filesystem and its contents, I believe from a root prompt you might execute:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd[a][n]
Where for [a][n] is substituted the alphanumeric-numeric pair denoting the hard disk partition on which the extraneous Filesystem resides.
**Warning** This will destroy all data in and including the Filesystem residing on the specified partition.
Please note that executing either of these commands against the Filesystem containing your Debian system may leave your Debian system unbootable or otherwise inoperable. It is seriously recommended that you not do this unless you are certain you understand what you doing.
[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
[2] http://www.debian.org
[3] http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/apt
[4] http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/parted
[5] http://packages.debian.org/stable/doc/parted-doc
[6] http://www.gnu.org/software/fileutils/doc/manual/html/fileutils.html#dd%20invocation
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