from my dmesg:
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
sb: I/O, IRQ, and DMA are mandatory
MIDI Loopback device driver
Creative EMU10K1 PCI Audio Driver, version 0.19, 19:18:39 Oct 14 2002
PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:0b.0
emu10k1: EMU10K1 rev 7 model 0x8061 found, IO at 0xd000-0xd01f, IRQ 5
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: 0x8384:0x7608 (SigmaTel STAC9708)
emu10k1: SBLive! 5.1 card detected

all i did was select "emu10k1 (might have even been listed as SB
Live!)" during my make menuconfig and midi and oss support... i assume
you assign the address and other info somewhere, and I have no module
support which makes the kernel smaller.  I am using 2.4.19 and it works
great!  Sorry though, I didnt use dpkg I went from sources on
P.S. I didnt see that you installed libncurses and libncurses-dev - you
will need those for make menuconfig.

--- Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     "lameth" == lameth  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     lameth> Okay I'm seriously considering rolling my own kernel, but
>     lameth> I have a few questions first. I've downloaded
>     lameth> kernel-source-2.4.16, binutils, bzip2, fileutils, make,
>     lameth> and fdutils, is there anything else I need to create a
>     lameth> custom kernel.
> From the output of dpkg -p kernel-source-2.4.16
> Depends: binutils, bzip2, fileutils (>= 4.0)
> Recommends: libc-dev, gcc, make
> Suggests: libncurses-dev | ncurses-dev, kernel-package
> so you seem okay except for kernel-package. Get it! 
> Also, why 2.4.16? 2.4.18 is in woody, and it is rock steady (for me
> anyway).
>     lameth> During the initial installation of Debian the probing of
>     lameth> my sound card failed because I didn't know what arguments
>     lameth> to enter. While compiling my custom kernel will I see
>     lameth> prompts similar to what I saw during the initial
>     lameth> installation. Namely will I get a second chance to enter
>     lameth> the correct values for my soundblaster live value card. I
>     lameth> checked under windows and and the settings for the SB
> card
>     lameth> were as follows; SB Port 220, MPU Port 330, ABLib Port
>     lameth> 388, IRQ 7, 8-bit DMA 1, 16-bit DMA 7. What would be the
>     lameth> correct format for any arguments for sound card probing.
> Yes, you will get a chance to enter all this. I don't suggest doing
> it. Use a module, and pass parameters on loading it. It migth save
> you
> some heartache recompiling.
> From /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.4.18/Documentation/sound/soundblaster.gz
> (I
> run 2.4.18, but 2.4.16 has got to be similar, the SB driver
> *probably*
> has not changed that much since then, I don't use a SB card
> anymore...)
> io              I/O address of the Sound Blaster chip
> (0x220,0x240,0x260,0x280)
> irq             IRQ of the Sound Blaster chip (5,7,9,10)
> dma             8-bit DMA channel for the Sound Blaster (0,1,3)
> dma16           16-bit DMA channel for SB16 and equivalent cards
> (5,6,7)
> mpu_io          I/O for MPU chip if present (0x300,0x330)
> You should be able to 'modprobe sb io=...' with a default kernel to
> get your sound card running. Then add that the parameters to modprobe
> to /etc/modules to get sound started on boot.
> Also, be sure to choose CONFIG_FILTER and CONFIG_PACKET in your new
> kernel configuration. Otherwise DHCP will probably stop working.
>     lameth> Since I'm booting from a floppy is there anyway I can
> keep
>     lameth> my current working bf2.4 based kernel until I'm sure any
>     lameth> new kernel is working properly? Or can I have my original
>     lameth> boot floppy and a new floppy with the new kernel?
> Yes. Just use the two floppies. Your custom kernel might throw a
> couple of error messages about modules not existing since the bf2.4
> kernel will have configured some module loads for itself. Should be
> no
> problem to ignore them.
> Read /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz for how to build and install a
> new kernel for Debian systems. By default your old kernel will be
> backed up as linux.OLD in lilo.conf unless you mucked around in there
> a lot (though I suspect you don't use lilo at all?).
>     lameth> TIA Lameth
> Good luck. Building kernels is easy, but it takes some preparation
> (basically, RTFM as much as you can). But to be honest you should be
> able to use a stock Debian kernel to solve the problems you mention
> above. Since moving to Debian (woody) I have not needed to build my
> own Kernel except to work around hardware issues. The non-bf2.4 2.4.x
> kernels in woody are really very, very slick.
> Cheers!
> Shyamal
> -- 
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