
On Sun, Oct 27, 2002 at 10:56:23PM -0500, lameth wrote:
> Okay I'm seriously considering rolling my own kernel, but I have a few 
> questions first. I've downloaded kernel-source-2.4.16, binutils, bzip2, 
> fileutils, make, and fdutils, is there anything else I need to create a 
> custom kernel.

first of all, i'd get the make-kpkg package as well--it lets you install
your home-rolled kernel as a debian package, huzzah!  and it's super
easy too.  just make config/menuconfig/xconfig like you normally would,
copy the .config file somewhere for posterity/safekeeping, and then

# make-kpkg --revision myowncustom.1.0 binary

if you ever need to make a new version with updated configs, do a
make-kpkg clean, copy the kernel config (which will be stored in /boot) 
back over, and increment the version number on the call to make-kpkg binary.

> While I haven't gotten everything to work, there are some things on my 
> system that do work that I'd rather not loose. Namely X-windows with the 
> updated nvidia drivers and my cable modem connection, DHCP worked right 
> out of the box.

if you know what modules you need, then you're set.  just do an lsmod to
see what modules you're running now, or figure out what they are, and
then set them to 'm' in the kernel config process.  as for the nvidia
drivers, that'll probably be the stickiest part of the process.  there
are debian packages for those as well, and instructions for how to install
them are in /usr/share/doc/.  note: i'm not sure if you need to do this
before or after configuring your kernel, or if it matters.

> During the initial installation of Debian the probing of my sound card 
> failed because I didn't know what arguments to enter. While compiling my 
> custom kernel will I see prompts similar to what I saw during the 
> initial installation. Namely will I get a second chance to enter the 
> correct values for my soundblaster live value card. I checked under 
> windows and and the settings for the SB card were as follows; SB Port 
> 220, MPU Port 330, ABLib Port 388, IRQ 7, 8-bit DMA 1, 16-bit DMA 7. 
> What would be the correct format for any arguments for sound card probing.

i believe (could be wrong), that those options are stored in a file that isn't
overwritten by a new kernel install, so those options will probably still
be there, and you won't have to do anything.

> Since I'm booting from a floppy is there anyway I can keep my current 
> working bf2.4 based kernel until I'm sure any new kernel is working 
> properly? Or can I have my original boot floppy and a new floppy with 
> the new kernel?

well, if you install a new kernel package, it should just link the newest
kernel to the vmlinuz file, keeping the old one there as well (you can
probably boot to a linuxOld or something like that), but for someone
who has a healthy case of paranoia:

# cd ~
# tar cvfz bootbackup.tgz /boot
# tar cvfz modulesbackup.tgz /lib/modules/2.4.xx

also, your old boot floppy should work just fine.  the only hitch might be
if you're compiling a kernel of the same version and you overwrite your
modules directory (the symbols might not match up or something) you
might not get up to full working mode off a floppy, but still you should
be able to at least untar those tarballs in root's home dir :)


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