On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 11:46:49AM -0500, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:24:53 -0500 Gianfranco Berardi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I agree. Debian and Linux in general sorely needs a decent Pacman game
> Yea... but can we do so without infringing on some copyright?

*sigh* Having followed with interest the battle of Larry Lessig vs
 the copyright monsters (otherwise known as Eldred vs. Ashcroft -- 
see http://eldred.cc), it saddens me that this would be the first 
question asked at the start of what sounds like it could be an 
exciting, cool project.

Basically, you can't copyright an idea, only the expression of an
idea. So, any copyright on Pacman only applies to *that* game. It 
does not cover all games that feature some creature running around 
a maze eating up other creatures. 

Sadly, copyright holders in this day and age would love the general
public to believe otherwise; and they're succeeding, if the comment
above is any indication.


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