--- Jason Wojciechowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Charles,
> On Oct  4, Charles Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Pardon my ignorance, but there doesn't seem to be
> much
> | documentation on the gworkspace site. What is the
> | purpose of gworkspace say in conjunction with
> | WindowMaker...what would I get that I don't have
> by
> | using fsviewer, the dock and the clip?
> Somebody mentioned that they wanted a file manager
> that resembled
> NextStep (as I've been silently wondering about for
> a few weeks, as
> well), and gworkspace was what came up.  I don't
> know anything about
> fsviewer ... though from apt-cache show'ing it just
> now, I've decided to
> install it and look at it, because it appears that
> (as your point seems
> to be) it might be exactly what I'm looking for.
> Now I've installed it and run it once, and it does
> appear to be what I
> want :)  Thanks for pointing this one out.


Well, cool. Glad I could be of help. BTW, isn't Debian
just lovely? apt-cache show, apt-get install, such a
sweet tool and great system overall.

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