Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-11 18:21:35 +0200]:
> On Monday 09 September 2002 09:26, Sridhar M.A. wrote:
> > Why not put the `clear` in /etc/issue? That way as and when the user
> > logs out, the screen is cleared and whatever is in issue comes on
> > screen.
> BTW: Where can i get that ANSI control codes from?

  man terminfo

But you probably don't need to know that.  A brute force method would
be to capture the codes from the command itself.  Here is an example.

Note that the 'clear' command implements only screen clearing.  But I
prefer 'tput' which can access any terminal capname.  Try smso and
rmso capabilities for a diversion.

  man tput

  TERM=ansi tput clear | od -c
  0000000 033   [   H 033   [   J

And you can save those for use later.

  CLRCODES=$(TERM=ansi tput clear)
  echo $CLRCODES


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