On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 11:28:53PM +0200, Raffaele Sandrini wrote: > > I solved it with this script: > ----- > #!/bin/bash > > clear > exec /sbin/getty 38400 $1 > ----- > > And in the inittab i have then: > 1:2345:respawn:/root/bin/shell tty1 > > The disadvantage about this approach is that if i loose the "shell" script i > wont be able to log into my system without tweaking with a second system... > Why not put the `clear` in /etc/issue? That way as and when the user logs out, the screen is cleared and whatever is in issue comes on screen. I am attaching my /etc/issue. Try that.
Regards, -- Sridhar M.A. Save gas, don't use the shell.
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