
Le sam 20 sep 2003, à 07 h 31 min 33 s  (UTC +0200),
vous ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) avez écrit :

> apt-get install clamav
> et ce qui va avec
> dans procmail :
> # anti-virus
> :0HB:
> * ! ? (formail | /usr/bin/clamscan -r -i --quiet --mbox --disable-summary 
> --max-files=10 --max-space=1000 --max-recursion=3 --unzip --unrar -)
> infected

Ch'tites questions (car je suis en train de configurer amavis) :

1) utilises-tu amavis ? (sinon --> 3))

2) Si  oui, qu'as-tu  choisi ds  /etc/amavisd.conf comme  <<control of
quarantining>> ?

Moi j'ai choisi :

| $virus_quarantine_to = 'infected@';    # forward to MTA for delivery

c-a-d la

# VARIANT 3: set to any  email address (must contain '@').  The e-mail
# messages to be quarantined will be handed to MTA for delivery to the
# specified address. If  a recipient address local to  MTA is desired,
# you may leave  the domain part empty, e.g.  "infected@", but the '@'
# character  must  nevertheless be  included  to  distinguish it  from
# variant 2.  # This method enables more refined delivery control made
# available  by  MTA (e.g.  its  aliases  file,  other local  delivery
# agents, dealing with privileges  and file locking when delivering to
# user's   mailbox,   nonlocal   delivery  and   forwarding,   fan-out
# lists). Make sure the mail-to-be-quarantined will not be handed back
# to amavisd for checking, as this will cause a loop (hopefully broken
# by MTA  at some stage)! If  this can be  assured, notifications will
# benefit too from not being unecessarily virus-scanned.  # By default
# this is safe to do with Postfix, but probably not safe with sendmail
# milter interface without precaution.

Je pose la question car si  je comprend bien ta règle procmail (ie qui
mets les  messages infectés dans la  mbox infected) avec  mon choix de
<<control of quarantining>> il suffirait de mettre :

* ^TO_infected@

pour avoir le même résultat non ? 

3) clamscan  -i  ?  J'ai  cherché   cette  option  et  ne  l'ai  point

*Serveur X*
 - Avec moi, au moins, on peut regarder les filles !
*Client Emacs*
 - On se console comme on peut.

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