On 5/12/23 16:08, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
Here's hoping that this message is not lost in the flood of potentially thousands of read notifications to your mailing list post.  Hope you learned your lesson on that.

I appreciate your concern that your message might have gotten lost. There aren't a lot of active readers on this list.

These days "security" seems to consist of installing and enabling every item you can find that's labeled "security".  A huge amount of it is pure waste, addressing mythical scenarios that no ordinary user will ever encounter.

I'm not talking about ordinary users. I'm talking about people who might manage fewer than 10 machines.

Real security comes from correctly analyzing your actual threat profile, and carefully addressing real vulnerabilities, rather than a shotgun approach that misses as much as it hits.

That said, here's my own favorite treatise on server security.  A bit dated, RedHat oriented, and probably not generic to your own purposes.


Best of luck,

Thanks for the advice.

So far, this official Debian list is in line with my expectations. For every 1 person on a Debian list, there are 10 who will tell you it's a waste of time. So far, the best "stop wasting our time" line is that Debian is unlikely to want to write about a package that's not in one of the repositories (e.g. webmin)

It's why I posted the question as I did.


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