Hello to Debian's security team. I'm researching the Debian's security feed <https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker> and I have a couple of questions about the meaning of some of the keys included on the JSON feed. Below are the keys in question.
- *repositories *key: I think this is a reference to the last version of the package, although I'm not sure. Example below, from vnc4 package: "CVE-2009-3560": { "description": "The big2_toUtf8 function... "debianbug": 560901, "scope": "local", "releases": { "buster": { "status": "resolved", "*repositories*": { "buster": "4.1.1+X4.3.0+t-1" }, "fixed_version": "0", "urgency": "unimportant" } } } - *fixed_version *key: Its name is quite obvious but, there is a (very common) special case where fixed_version equals "0". According to a little research I've made, this could be related to the fact that the CVE is not affecting the current release of the OS. Example below, from gauche package: "CVE-2005-4443": { "description": "Untrusted search path vulnerability ... "scope": "local", "releases": { "bullseye": { "status": "resolved", "repositories": { "bullseye": "0.9.10-3" }, "*fixed_version*": "0", "urgency": "unimportant" }, "buster": { "status": "resolved", "repositories": { "buster": "0.9.6-10" }, "*fixed_version*": "0", "urgency": "unimportant" }, "sid": { "status": "resolved", "repositories": { "sid": "0.9.10-3" }, "*fixed_version*": "0", "urgency": "unimportant" } } } I would love this to be clarified, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! -- Tomas Sarquis Software Engineer +54 351 741 1244 [image: Wazuh] <https://wazuh.com> The Open Source Security Platform <https://wazuh.com>