On 09/04/2020 22.12, Graham Inggs wrote: > I don't know about the AdoptOpenJDK builds, but Visual Profiler and > Nsight do work with openjdk-8 8u252-b07-1 from unstable. > > [1] > https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/10.1/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/index.html
The version previously bundled by nvidia with nvidia-cuda-toolkit (up to 10.1.168) is an ancient 8u77 amd64 build, packaged as nvidia-openjdk-8-jre in non-free. For the purposes of src:nvidia-cuda-toolkit, a stripped down version of openjdk-8 should be sufficient: only amd64 and ppc64el builds, only -jre (no -jdk), and it could be moved to contrib to reduce exposure even further. Andreas