As far as I know, pkexec doesn't validate arguments, so it might not be
ideal if you are worried about people trying to trick it.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 6:15 AM JungHwan Kang <> wrote:

> Sometimes, I use a sudo command with -s options for keeping
> environment variables for users account(sudoer). I also know -s option
> runs the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable. But the
> SHELL environment variable can be manipulated by other users having
> the same privilege.
> So, I think an adversary is able to abuse the changing SHELL
> environment variable for privilege escalation like a video below. (I
> assume the adversary owned the permission for executing a shell on a
> remote)
> (unlisted state)
> I know it is uncertain when the sudo is executed with -s option by sudoer.
> Anyway, I have thought of the solutions to the issue below.
>  - using a pkexec of a Policy kit,
>  - disable a ptrace function via kernel.yama.ptrace_scope, CAP_SYS_PTRACE.
> Could you give some advice and comments?
> Thx.

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