On 9/23/2016 9:44 PM, Darko Gavrilovic wrote:
I think there is an Apparmor progress page, no?
Quoting above page:
"AppArmor/Progress (last edited 2015-08-14 09:33:50 ..." :<
Just wondering, if you like Fedora/RH SELinux & AppArmor
implementation better, then why not just stick to deploying them?
I read the OP being in the position of wanting to use Debian but
choice was being made more dificult by lack of information. YMMV
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:49 PM, stefano frabetti
<stefano.frabe...@gmail.com> wrote:
He, and those like me, deserve a polite/germane/relevant response.
Bravo! +1