You're nice.

If the people (who probably added themselves to the ML in the first place, as there is no other way) at least had the decency of writing "unsubscribe" correctly, even though it can never work when just sending it in-line to the list. (I'd not reply and leave them subscribed until they learn for themselves:

That said, people with autoresponders replying to mailing lists should be unsubscribed automatically (if that isn't already happening).

On 8/26/2016 1:25 PM, Steven Conrad Bayer wrote:
Hello Daniel,

you can unsubscribe from list here:



Am 26.08.2016 um 13:04 schrieb Daniel Chen:
> unsubscrbe > > > On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 11:03 PM, Sebastien Delafond < <>> wrote: >
Debian Security Advisory DSA-3654-1 <> <> Sebastien Delafond August 26, 2016 <>

Package        : quagga
CVE ID         : CVE-2016-4036 CVE-2016-4049
Debian Bug     : 822787 835223

Two vulnerabilities were discovered in quagga, a BGP/OSPF/RIP routing


     Tamás Németh discovered that sensitive configuration files in
     /etc/quagga were world-readable despite containing sensitive


    Evgeny Uskov discovered that a bgpd instance handling many peers
    could be crashed by a malicious user when requesting a route dump.

For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in

We recommend that you upgrade your quagga packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: <>

Mailing list: <>
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****Steven Conrad Bayer*
System Administrator

Mobil:        +49 (0) 157 34 81 46 53
E-Mail: <>


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