Has anyone every thought of an in-path TCP session attack and of
encrypting sequence numbers by a given secret negotiated in advance
between both endpoints? If an intelligence service ever wanted to do so
I guess they could drive an in-path attack against TCP (as they tend to
sit on the internet backbones everywhere they could easily listen to all
packets that pass by.).
Am 2016-08-15 um 20:42 schrieb Sam Morris:
On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 17:46:56 +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:
* Salvatore Bonaccorso <car...@debian.org>, 2016-08-12, 17:35:
mitigation could be used as per https://lwn.net/Articles/696868/ .
This is behind paywall at the moment.
Anyone who wishes to read this may use the following link:
And if you like the article, consider subscribing to LWN! Now that I
think about it, I'm pretty sure there's a group membership available to
all DDs anyway.