Unsuscribe me please.

2016-07-30 18:11 GMT+02:00 Sebastien Delafond <s...@debian.org>:

> Hash: SHA512
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Debian Security Advisory DSA-3634-1                   secur...@debian.org
> https://www.debian.org/security/                       Sebastien Delafond
> July 30, 2016                         https://www.debian.org/security/faq
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Package        : redis
> CVE ID         : CVE-2013-7458
> Debian Bug     : 832460
> It was discovered that redis, a persistent key-value database, did not
> properly protect redis-cli history files: they were created by default
> with world-readable permissions.
> Users and systems administrators may want to proactively change
> permissions on existing ~/rediscli_history files, instead of waiting
> for the updated redis-cli to do so the next time it is run.
> For the stable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed in
> version 2:2.8.17-1+deb8u5.
> For the testing (stretch) and unstable (sid) distributions, this
> problem has been fixed in version 2:3.2.1-4.
> We recommend that you upgrade your redis packages.
> Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
> these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
> found at: https://www.debian.org/security/
> Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
> X0mUpb+IYwTmt+DQC7ip7Xv3Ygu1niO0b0WPAmm5vXqOGPnM1IlFSfaBz7jUfV41
> +YorVdmRrUZjwOsJyU0PzumqryCmlC7IL4Z01Ro31Gxr9+qFXfNOpVfXxOFt8AQl
> NdvoCvf+PtDfYlMEcG2a7d+huoxPJBc0gqP4NRnnmSwlHer+/PxwM1GqrqUS8XVQ
> RtUIFMi/3vo/bA9FEtP0JkQXJ+1Mh4XFhFH9Ggj/QuxIksRA7VBXRfVl+2E2Hsv4
> 2a1ZvcaoDCqf+w1URoHKA3AuuQAUV0J7232MktSPepeOeqnLmxc+Nrv9Ktk4Hqk=
> =Vugt


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