On Tue, 12 Apr 2016, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> We list several mirrors carrying debian security updates in
> https://www.debian.org/mirror/list-full

I think we shouldn't.

> We don't disclose which mirrors are members of the security.debian.org


is the file that the security.d.o zone is generated from.

> Alternate access URIs for several of the security.debian.org pool
> members *do* exist, but that information seems not to be clearly
> displayed anywhere.

They do?  Anything we actually tell people to use?

> A good starting point would be to provide a list of official security
> mirrors (potential members of the security.debian.org pool) that can be
> accessed directly when geo-ip is directing an user to a pool member that
> is stale.

No.  We derotate mirrors regularly for maintenance work.  We don't want
users to pick their security.d.o mirror.

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