Andrew Vaughan <> wrote:

> I'm wondering why the body of the email doesn't include instructions on how
> to unsubscribe?  Most modern email clients


> Just adding "To unsubscribe
> with the subject unsubscribe" at the bottom of every email might halve
> the noise.

Could you please *carefully* read what you replied to (judging from the
subject of your email)?

The problem is *not* people being unable to unsubscribe from
debian-security. Most of them probably are not even subscribed to it! If
you look at all these "please unsubscribe me" emails, you'll see very
clearly from the subjects and quoted texts that those people are
replying to mails they received from debian-security-announce@l.d.o,
*not* debian-security@l.d.o. Therefore, putting more garbage into
footers for debian-security@l.d.o mails is not going to help.

People not subscribed to debian-security@l.d.o are quite unlikely to
read your "improved" mail footers; moreover, this is not what they need
since their problem is that they are subscribed to

Please read carefully. Otherwise, you are only adding noise, I'm afraid.


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