No actually it is not Qubes what I am using.
I am using full blown qemu virtualization including a virtual wrapper device for the graphics. It is for sure that even here the weakest point is the emulation of the graphics card. I have even heard about HTML5 code directly bugging your hardware via graphics acceleration (though this is rather theoretical because it would likely need to be customized to a certain graphics card). Nonetheless the weakness of Qubes is even more the GUI dom where all other doms connect to and which has direct access to the graphics hardware. Unfortunately I could not find any details on how it is implemented in deed. Additionally I found it somewhat irritating that the basic description of the Qubes project talks so much about using Windows as a host. I would never trust software which is entirely closed source. Please do also note the following statement found in the intro when considering to use Qubes:
"Sure, a single kernel exploit destroys this all"

If you remember what I have told you about MAC systems then it was that a single public accessible system call which is implemented faulty would still compromise your system. Now consider that all current operating systems including Windows, Linux and FreeBSD are huge monolitic constructs making use of just two privilege levels/ security rings: user and kernel mode. At the introduction of the i386 (which is now still long ago) Intel suggested that at least three privilege levels would be necessary to build a secure system: the innermost for memory and process management, a middle ring for device and hardware drivers and the outermost one for user space programs. According to my knowledge and to what is public none of the operating system developers have followed these precautions until today (Xen is a different case as it uses three rings but not in the way as described above; actually it would need to make use of all four rings provided by the protected mode interface to be secure in theory - Nonetheless just believe me that things are not as theoretical in practice as this description may make you believe.).


On 29.11.2015 22:05, Patrick Schleizer wrote:
Elmar Stellnberger:
If you wanna ask me for my security solution it is qemu based and puts
the most vulnerable system components like browsers and email programs
into a virtual machine namely qemu which is maintained by the Open
Source commnunity.

Sounds like Qubes.


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