Thank you Salvatore & Thijs for your responses.

I appreciate and understand your advice.

My specific interest in the matter arose after receiving the alert. I prepared 
to install the update that was listed in the e-mail and found that the latest I 
could obtain (using apt-get) was the earlier version. I investigated further to 
ensure the system was appropriately up-to-date. Fortunately the web site 
confirmed that the version I had obtained with apt-get addressed the particular 
issue identified in the alert.

It did, however leave me with some niggling doubts - as the difference might be 
interpreted as an indication of error or omission. (Your e-mail has, of course, 
dispelled such doubts).

So, though perhaps this has been considered previously, in the interests of 
improving Debian may I suggest that it might be better to delay the e-mail 
until the web page is updated (or, better yet, "push" the update of the web 

Irrespective, many thanks again to both of you and to the Debian community as a 
whole for all the work, the immense amount of work, that goes into making 
Debian such a wonderful distro.

Dave McDonald

-----Original Message-----
From: Salvatore Bonaccorso [] On Behalf Of 
Salvatore Bonaccorso
Sent: Tuesday, 10 November 2015 8:46 PM
To: David McDonald <>
Cc: '' <>
Subject: Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 3386-2] unzip regression update

Hi David,

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 08:59:04AM +0100, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Mon, November 9, 2015 23:25, David McDonald wrote:
> > Hi Salvatore,
> >
> > Your e-mail below states:
> >
> >     "For the stable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed 
> > in version 6.0-16+deb8u2" (Note bene the last digit)
> >
> > However, states:
> >
> >     "For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been 
> > fixed in version 6.0-16+deb8u1"
> The website is updated periodically so it can take a short while 
> before it reflects the update that was sent out in the email.

Just an additional note on the version numbers: the 6.0-16+deb8u1 was the 
version which fixed the security isses with CVE. 6.0-16+deb8u2 is an additional 
update which fixes a regression when extracting 0-byte files. So what the 
webpage reflects is the version where the security issues were fixed.

Hope this helps!


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