On Wednesday 11 February 2009 23:26:45 Stan Katz wrote:
> I updated/upgraded both my AMD64 and AMD k6 "Etch" machines between Feb
> 10-11, 2009 using "Lenny" test. Both picked up a symptom I haven't seen
> since the lpd exploit of the 1990's. This symptom manifests itself as
> either a random escalation of the etc directory mode up to 600, or a
> consistent escalation to mode 600 upon reboot.

My /etc is mode 755.  Why would that be a problem?  Some user/programs may 
need to read data out of the directory and root (the owner of my /etc) 
certainly needs write permissions.

> I don't remember why the lpd
> exploit did this. If this is an exploit, it shakes my confidence in debian
> online updating.

I don't see how a 600 /etc can be exploited.  Do you have any other records 
that would indicate you are exploited, or is this just fear-mongering?

> Also, the Bastille firewall on the
> AMD64 began locking down port 80 after about 10min of operation. Adding 80
> to all interfaces didn't help. Only shutting down Bastille cleared the
> block.

Sounds like a bug in Bastille.  Can you reproduce reliably?  Have you checked 
your configuration?  If both, has you filed a bug yet?

> I fear this is another indication of the exploit.

How/Why would these be related?

> Has anyone else experienced this misbehavior after an upgrade?

Not here.  I've been running Lenny for a number of months.

> Any
> suggestions, other than a complete disk wipe on both machines? In any case,
> where would I go for a trusted rebuild, if there truly is a sabateur in the
> ranks of the Debian maintainers?

I'm forwarding to debian-security; perhaps they will have suggestions.  This 
topic is more appropriate for that list than debian-user anyway.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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