Alexander Golovin wrote:
>  I've added "crypt /dev/hda6  none   luks" string in /etc/crypttab file,
> what you had written, but unfartunately, I don't have the crypt file
> in /dev/mapper also.

If you want to use LUKS as Frank suggested you have to initialize the
device with the action luksFormat.

So for you the steps would be:
(ALL DATA on /dev/hda6 WILL BE LOST)

1) cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/hda6
   (here you can also choose your favorite cipher (--cipher)

2) cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hda6  mycryptfs
3) mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/mycryptfs
4) mount /dev/mapper/mycryptfs  /mnt/foobar
5) touch /mnt/foobar/fb
6) umount /mnt/foobar
7) cryptsetup luksClose mycryptfs

Test your /etc/crypttab with a reboot and see if the file 'fb' is on the

hope this helps

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