Am 2007-08-15 22:47:12, schrieb Pat:
> 1) What if someone (and I am sure it happens more often than you may
> realize) who is clueless about computers decides to download Debian,
> installs it, get hacked, trojaned horsed, their credit cards numbers
> stolen, etc.

How can this happen?

I was never hacked since 1999-03...

>  It is called responsibility, and we cannot blame it on them for
> knowing nothing, we can't all be computer security experts. In
> addition you have the option within lokkit to select "no firewall" if
> that is what you really want, so it seem to leave freedon of choice as
> to how to use your computer enabled, along with the option to
> uninstall it completely.

A firewall is useless on a Debian-Standard-System, WHERE $NOOB will
install a simple workststion to write OO docs and surf the web.

> 2) rp_filter provides protection against ip address spoofing which
> most machines not otherwise protected by a firewall need. again, you
> would have the same option to turn if off if you feel you do not need
> the protection.

Oh yes, I can turn it of by over 2900 Installations I maintain...

And then I have a Admin-Friend in an WW-Enterprise which maintain with
his colegues over 27.000 Machines...  rp_filters can be deaktivated on
all machines...

I know spome peooples on ther Debian-Lists which are working in enter-
prises with more then tose machines... and I am sure, there are more
server installations worldwide the workststions...  (DEBIAN of course)

> 3) All I have installed is the "base" package, Xwindows, and a desktop.

Which does not need a firewall and iptables, IF you have not modified
the System by hand...  which is only possibel if you know what you do.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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