Hi Thomas, looks like you are subscribed to debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
You can either go to http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/ and use the unsubscribe function there or you send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "unsubscribe". If you are not sure with which address you are subscribed, have a look on the header of the mail. Usualy you find your mail-address in "Return-Path:" eg. for my mail address, this looks like: Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED] which means that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Greetings Martin On Monday, 13 Feb 2006, you wrote: > Hi, > > I've got a problem with your list. I can't unsubscribe. > > The problem is, that i can't remember with which address i've subscribed > for this list. > > Can you remove all @oberhausser.ch mail addresses or tell me who can do > that? > > > Sorry, that i write list-problems to you, but i don't know who can help... > > > Thanks in advance > Thomas Oberhausser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]