On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 08:25:37AM +0200, Adrian von Bidder wrote:
> | Jul 12 18:41:07 zbasel named[5317]: client error 
> sending response: unexpected error
> I've never received any complaints about DNS problems nor did I see any 
> stability problems.  IP addresses seem completely random.
> The DNS records served are round robin DNS RR with no more then 15 entries - 
> so perhaps the problem only occurs when the packet size approaches the 
> maximum for UDP DNS packets?  (OTOH, it's not even clear that it's an UDP 
> request from the log...)
> Anybody seen this & can confirm it's harmless / a known issue?

I see this error when a particular server of mine cannot confirm that it
sent an answer to a query, most often due to a network problem. See, my
server occasionally loses its network, so while BIND is still trying to
send replies, no network is available. It prints the error just like
you're seeing in the logs. 

I'd imagine that a misconfigured firewall (allow DNS queries, but not
answers) might also show the same error. 

So, I've seen it and under my circumstances, I consider it harmless. 


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