On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 02:09:02PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:
> You can quote Ben Franklin all you want,  but Ben Franklin's world was a 
> far simpler, easy to
> undersand and clearly not as geographical world as ours is today. 
> I'm sure if Ben was alive today, he'd have a much more "updated" and 
> relative quote than a quote
> that was intended for the times he lived in.
> Quoting someone who lived in the 1700's is certainly interesting, but 
> rememeber, these are the same
> folks that enslaved blacks and killed Indian's.  Time's have changed, 
> the world is different.

You are obvisously failing to understand that Benjamin Franklin's words
are not related to a propagated event used to form a public opinion, but
are, instead, concerning the eternal natural priciples of the human
personality (the Human Rights).

> If you asked me 2 years ago "Hey, do you think some nut job's will 
> attack and fly plane's into the
> WTC?".  I would have laughed and said "nah, never happen.".  Today, I've 
> been re-schooled, and
> I'm an old man (38), I believe anything is now possible even in the 
> United State's.

Your own words boldly point out that:

        1. You believe there are "nut job's" (maybe "nut-jobs"?).
        2. You believe your country (the USA) is the Promised Land.
        3. You think that 38 is a big number that makes the difference
           between the wise man and the fool.

1. People all aroung the world share the same characteristcs. A few
percent of them are insane, about 0.1% are born with genetic
disharmonies [some fraction of this includes physically inversed
(homosexual)]. The greatest fraction, however, (probably about 99%) do
not have any natural anomalies and are simply like you. They would
naturally want to have a spouse, a family, and not a great amount of
        In oder to kidnap a plane, one obviously may not have many
anomalies, and I think we can be firmly sure that the "terrorists" were
no different than you. They, however, were carefully moralized to think
they were doing "the Right Thing". In fact, I believe that if your
government tells you that "the barbarian terrorism from the primitive
eastern Islamic coutries cannot be beared any more", and that they "need
you to stop the world injustice", you will enroll in "your" army and do
just what the plane kidnappers have done. If you fall under the
day-and-night control of your military services, I think we can foget
about you. There are impeccable psychological techniques for making you
do anything (some very effective of them developed during the Korean

2. The USA is the Canaan not for the mere people, but for the Rulers and
for the propaganda. Maybe more that 80% of your country's population
watches TV, reads magazines and papers, and goes to the cinema every
day. You live in a country that is among the best internet-supplied
ones. In short, well above 80% of the people in your country are exposed
to propaganda daily. A tiny fact from your distant school years which
you have probably forgotten is that during World War II, Germany
released a large number of cheap radio receivers with special discounts
in order to cover its population informationally better.
        You live in the country of ready opinions, stereotypes and
purposefully selected facts. Do you hate the Albanians from Kosovo? The
Afghnistani "who sheltered Bin Laden"? The Iraqi? Do they deserve to be
ruled out from Earth's face? I don't know your answers, but before you
shout them out to the public, please, be ready to tell me what you know
about the Albanians, the Afghanistani and the Iraqi? Have you ever seen
their countries? Do you know any aspect of Saddam Hussein's
        Don't be the one to jump hastily and carelessly at conclusions,
because such are the people who make _"everything"_ possible, especially
in the United States.

3. So you say you have been greeted thirty-eight times with the same old
song "Happy birthday to you"? I don't know what kind of argument you
think this is. However, I can say that the magic number 38 does not save
you from frequent punctuation errors and poor organisation of written
thoughts, and especially from the lack of your argumentation.
        If you had not been trying to reach my father in age, but were
rather a brand new person in my milleniums-old country, you would have
witnessed a radical political change. You would have seen a society of
health and intelligence (a society which has given professors working at
famous universities such as Harvard, scientists working with celebrities
such as Stephen Hawking, numerous inventors, artists who have
participated in the development of such streams as Expressionism, ...).
Then you would have observed how this society is replaced by a
generation of slaves to the advertisement. You would have heard the
national and classical music give way to rap, misanthropic metal and
other low-quality recordings. You would have felt the growing emptiness
of the classrooms. You would have met hundreds of peers who have less
than $0.05 in their pockets, because as soon as they have $0.50, they go
to a cafe or a disco, buy a pack of cigarettes, or stuck in a game club.
You would have found out that in some schools as many as 197 out of 200
of students your age smoke weed regularly. Your friends would have told
you about their friends who have died of drugs before their twenty-first
birthday. You would have found out that what is printed in the
newspapers and what is broadcasted on the TV is not as unbiased as it is
said to be. Then, you would have been much older than your birthday
presents can tell.

> As far as your theory that the military should have not allowed the 
> plane's to hit anything?
> Well, let's be honest here.  Those were commercial flights, 2 of which 
> originated from my
> hometown (Boston). They were carrying people, just like you and I and up 
> until 30 seconds before
> the disaster, we had no reason to believe that the flight was hostile
> (other than the sporadic communication of the poor folks on the plan 
> using their cell phones).

Is this America's Public Opinion you heard on the TV, or do you have a
detailed report of the airplane's activity? By the way, are pilots not
required to identify the plane when they approach a city? Are they not
required to keep to strict air corridors?

> And about the plan that crashed in PA, Consiracy?  Sure, you can think 
> that if you want. 
> However, I kind of like to think that our goverment felt that it was the 
> last resort to down a plane that
> had civilian's on it -- if that's what happened -- and then make them 
> out to be hero's.  I like
> that ending better than your's.  Knowing the real truth  (if thats what 
> happened) doesn't change
> anything about what happened -- they still died, and had the plane made 
> it's destination, I think
> we'd all been a little sadder -- if we could have possibly been any sadder.
> Let's face it, the original thread mentioned the FBI and CIA snooping 
> and gaining information
> about us and being "big brother" ala 1984.  I don't fear that at all, I 
> feel confident.knowing that
> there is an organization trying to stop terrorists, bad guys or 
> whatever.  If it takes me giving up
> some of my freedom's knowing my children will be safe -- so be it.

The "citizens" from "1984" don't fear and they believe that their
children are safe. In addition, when they see a proof of government's
abuses, they destroy it. I think you are the best argument that George
Orwell is a prophet (or maybe his books are not just fiction.)

> My quote was wrong, I should have said "the price OF freedom has A 
> cost".  My feeling has
> alway's been that you can't have Freedom without having paid for it in 
> some way.

Ah, and this is why you and billions like you pay your government a '$`
followed by a large number of digits and commas before a decimal point
every year, all of which goes to "your" military system.

> We're paying right now by letting some of the little things of our 
> Freedom go.  It's a small price
> to know when I wake up everyday, I can still be "free" to do what I 
> enjoy doing, live where I
> want, vote for who I want etc.

I am sure you believe that you enjoy getting up early five days a week
to go serve your boss, browse "the latest news" and watch TV until late
at night before you go to bed.

Can you live where you want? How well do you know life abroad? Why have
you chosen the USA to countries like Sweden and Australia? What happens
on a day in which you get not a signle phone call, you see no TV, no
infesting advertisements, no public events? Do you feel useless? Do your
family and friends fail to be satisfy you? Do you not allow this to

... ... ...

We have dipped into the deepness of human personality, my friend, where
lies, innuendos, envy, hatred and egotism are raging. I cannot help you
here. Only you can teach yourself. Only you can do the job of learning
to recognise the boss of the boss, the Anonymous. You will have to
remember names titles, positions and hierarchies. You will have to stay
alert and acute, but silent. You will have to let the water fill your
lungs to feel its taste in your mouth. You will have to stop breathing
to free yourself from your oxygen addiction.


You have chosen the red pill.
You are now a battery.

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