On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 11:53:42PM -0800, Blars Blarson wrote:

> >on me, then they certianly can put a line sniffer between me and my 
> >ISP... isn't that
> >easier?!?!
> No need to put it between, their packet sniffer is already in place at
> your ISP.  Please read about CARNIVORE, which made many news headlines
> before 9/11/01.  It hasn't gone away, the news media just shut up
> about it.  (If you're outside of the USA, the CIA has been doing more
> for longer, but it doesn't make the news as much.)

Lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!  :^)

Of course CARNIVORE is just one small piece of the greater WORLDWIDE 
system ECHELON.  

The FBI had been trying desperately to install CARNIVORE system pre 
September 11.  Within days after the attacks the FBI began installing 
CARNIVORE systems in top tier ISPs.  SysAdmins who had been fighting the 
good fight, relented in the shock following September 11th.  

Washington quickly began passing legislation to, among many other
things, define "hackers" as terrorists.  See this article titled
"Hackers face life imprisonment under 'Anti-Terrorism' Act"


Oh, you say you live in Russia, Australia, China, New Zealand, or 
someplace that is not in the US?  Doesn't matter.

See this article titled "Anti-terror law bad news for foreign hackers"


You might find this speech delivered by Congressman Ron Paul to the 
House of Representatives on June 27, 2002 to be an interesting read.


Then just for fun there is this Gore Vidal interview "The Last Defender 
of the American Republic?"


Most of these articles are getting dated.  You don't even want to know
what is going on presently but hey here is a recent one on what Ashcroft
has up his sleeve these days.


Yes, the American Empire is certainly on the move... and the World is 
their oyster.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


                               WAR IS GOOD
                            FREEDOM IS SLAVERY
                          IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH  

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