On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 02:48:15PM +0200, WebMaster wrote:
> hi all,
> is there a monster bug in nessus for woody?
> i scaned a woody server from 2 differents hosts (woody server also)
> it detected a trinoo for linux

        The 'trinoo' test in Nessus is (was?) flawed and led to a number
of false positives. In any case, consider that Nessus does *not* do
attacks based on the OS detected. This might lead to false positives but
also reduces false negatives. Example: a Linux firewall protecting a
Windows box will be scanned for *all* attacks, not only Windows specific.
This might lead to Windows-specific vulnerabilities being detected in the
Linux firewall which, in fact, belong to the Windows server (consider if
you are using NAT or port redirection for example).



PS: There are nessus packages available for the latest releases (for 1.2.5
at least, 1.2.6 is the latest official Nessus release). Check

PPS: Joy is doing a great job updating these packages, we should all be
grateful :)

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