On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 14:48, WebMaster wrote:
> hi all,
> is there a monster bug in nessus for woody?
> i scaned a woody server from 2 differents hosts (woody server also)
> ####
> yesterday from the fresh host 1 (fresh install)
> ####
> List of open ports :
> ssh (22/tcp) (Security notes found) 
> general/tcp (Security warnings found) 
> unknown (27444/udp) (Security hole found) 
> general/udp (Security notes found) 
> general/icmp (Security warnings found)
> it detected a trinoo for linux
> ####
> today from the fresh host 1 (fresh install)
> ####
> List of open ports :
> ssh (22/tcp) (Security notes found) 
> general/tcp (Security notes found) 
> unknown (34555/udp) (Security hole found) 
> general/udp (Security notes found) 
> general/icmp (Security warnings found)
> it detected a trinoo for windows
> ####
> today from the fresh host 2 (fresh install)
> ####
> List of open ports :
> general/tcp (Security warnings found) 
> general/icmp (Security warnings found)
> it didn t detected a trinoo,
> and where are my udp and ssh notes???
> (of course sshd was up)
> nb: there is no firewall between the server scaned
> and the hosts with nessusd installed
> what could be the problem?
> thanks for your help in advance
> ;-)
Isn't the nessus in Debian quite old ? I think, there were newer nessus
packages at the following sources:

-- deb http://www.srce.hr/~joy/nessus1.2/ ./
deb-src http://www.srce.hr/~joy/nessus1.2/ ./

Martin List-Petersen
martin at list-petersen dot dk
"When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical."
                -- Jon Carroll

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