On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 06:35:03PM +0100, Tim Haynes wrote:
> b) they shouldn't be. You'll have to check if they still appear by default
> in unstable; I should hope they don't. (There's been discussion of this
> before if you trawl some archives somewhere.) It's possible to use them all
> legitimately - e.g. the daytime thing might be if someone has a legacy
> setup on their LAN and relied on it for time sync, the chargen/echo/discard
> things could well be useful for getting streams of data and network
> monitoring, etc. However, they really shouldn't be enabled by default.

Why not?  You've not given any reason at all.  Do you know of any
malicious behavior that is made possible by leaving the services turned
on?  The potential exists to use the chargen feature as a part of a DoS
attack, but I've not heard of it ever being used as it's not
particularly effective unless you have many many machines available, and
even then there are much more effective weapons.  And what about the
rest of the ports?  How are they dangerous?  I've never heard of an
exploit involving any of them.

Really I'm just playing devil's advocate here.  I don't care if they're
turned off or not.  I've just never seen any evidence that there's any
reason for concern over them.


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