I am frustrated with the linux 2.2 kernel. I have had two hacks in 3 months
and I am going broke rebuilding my server.
I went out and bought Redhat 7, and got hacked 6 weeks later.
I have been placed in contact with a guy who wants me to use Debian. But if
it based upon the same kernel as redhat, how is it going to be more secure?
I checked and found that
from (http://www.securityfocus.com/)
Security risks for years: 1997-2000 respectively:
Debian 3, 2, 32, 45, 12
RedHat 6, 10, 49, 85, 20
So Debian is about twice as good as redhat, but that is not real reassuring.
I am considering joining the debian family, but am a bit concerned about
Just how much more secure is Debian than redhat?
Steve Rudd