On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 11:21:14AM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> I have opened #212357 and #212358 against vtun and CIPE due to the recent
> article on their weaknesses as secure VPN tools, and the fact that nothing
> in their descriptions tell the user about the problem.
> It has been suggested that we could change the descriptions (so far so good)
> and punt the packages to 'extra'.  
> However, a lot of good stuff is in extra because other good stuff is in
> optional.  What we really could use is a 'deprecated' section IMHO.
> Thoughts on the issue?

 I'd like to see a section for packages that aren't actually useful, and are
only good for testing/development.  e.g. there are some game packages in
Debian that don't seem to be able to do anything useful at all.  Maybe
that's a separate problem, and there shouldn't be binary packages of some of
those things in Debian at all.  If half (or less) finished software is going
to stay in Debian, maybe these known-broken crypto tools could be lumped in
with it?

 Maybe there should be a status field separate from the section thing to
indicate the quality of the package, like not-working, alpha, beta, or

 Err, I'm probably not the first person to have said the above, probably
just the first to clutter up deb-sec with it, so I suppose I should really
go search the deb-devel archives to see if anyone has any plans about this
kind of thing...

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , des.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BC

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